“I’ve been living on the street for six months. I used to live with my mother, but she passed away last year. 92 years old. COVID has been very difficult without her.
I have learned a lot about myself here on the street. Mostly, I have learned the importance of patience. It all goes down to patience, really. So many people in my position don’t see that and suffer so much. Patience. Oh, and God. Those two things.
I have always been religious. My mother raised us that way. She used to always remind us to remember God. All the time, remember God. Wherever we went, remember God. So I have a very deep connection with him now.
Home is a feeling – it’s a feeling of refuge. For me, that refuge is with God. It always has been. He’s always guided me, even right now he’s guiding me. He’s with me. So I feel like I’m home!”
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